
This blog is meant to become a textual archive of my dynamic and often contradictory intellectual development over the past and coming years. I hope it will accomplish two functions, as a kind of cognitive genealogy, and as a textual extension of my thoughts exposing them to outside criticisms. Please keep in mind that some of these posts are only trains of thought and not necessarily my actual opinions. I am a thirdish year undergraduate student majoring in both philosophy and sociology.


Life is my Right and Yours

Blow me up tomorrow and call me a martyr. If I die in the subway at the hands of a terrorist go ahead and celebrate.

In light of the recent bombings of the London subway, I thought I had might as well join the bandwagon and put my opinion down on the matter of “terrorists.” Especially since the media seems to be so damn sure it will happen in Canada next. Due to the class-race dynamic here (more on his some other time), I’m inclined to believe if one does occur it will most likely occur in Montreal.

Blow me up tomorrow and call me a martyr. If I die in the subway at the hands of a terrorist (I hate that word) go ahead and celebrate, I died for what I believed in. I died going about my daily affairs well aware of the risk but unwilling to bow down. If the CESUS or the USA or any other takes me out, fuck them too; terrosists come in shades of grey not brown. Life is my right as a human, and creature of this world, and I won’t allow anyone to restrain that whether that is through coercion or fear mongering or any other means.

I would like to stress that murder is not the only way to deny someone of their right to life. Denying someone any fundamental human right also denies them of their right to life. I use the expression of my right to life loosely. It simply means to live: to be able to experience this world freely, and to be able to realize ones potential as they see fit. Language, press, religion, and assembly are all means by which we experience this world and realize our potentials.

This doesn’t mean I’m an asshole that thinks I have a right to an automatic machine gun, private property (I’ll right another essay on this some other time… I’m not a communist), and to do whatever the fuck I want regardless of others. You see those things indirectly deny others their right to life, and that my friend is the only restriction I must abide by. If in order to reach my full potential I must deny others of their potential then I am not realizing my potential at all. I have no right to deny another of their right to life, and that is what these “terrorists” are doing, and that is what makes them terrorists. I will continue going about my life conscientious of how my actions affect others, trying not to impede another’s experience.

Naturally there is a normative almost Kantian implication to this. It is rather unlikely, if not impossible that I can go about my entire life without ever stepping on someone’s personal freedoms. What is necessary is that I never act in such a way that I can be accused of not trying to be conscientious of others. Can I be perfect, no, but I can contemplate my own actions using the knowledge I’ve acquired and decide whether I’ll repeat them. Make special note that I have mentioned the knowledge I’ve acquired. I also would like to imply that it is also my responsibility as a human to seek out knowledge in order to better understand my past actions.

Those terrorists are those that narrow their minds to their own fundamental values and disregard other’s right to life. They are not fulfilling their responsibilities as humans to continue expanding their knowledge in order to not impose on others. They are not prepared to consider the wrong in their own actions in consequence of this refusal to reflect, and thus they fail as creatures of this planet.


At 14.7.05, Blogger Nicholas said...

"terrorists fail as creatures of this planet?" yeah i'm toying with animal rights aswell... i dunno dumb wording in a lame attempt to shit out some unniversalizing moral tyheory... aka academic suicide....

yes freedom fighters fail, their cause blinds them yadda yadda the last paragraph was meant to implied in the broadest context (yet another academic faux pas).

i suppose what i'm saying is that it doesn't matter what flag you fly, if you look like a terd and you act like a terd... u're a fuking terd. if you fight for civil liberties and all yoou do is deny them then your still a terrorist... argueably if your fighting for anything you're probably a terrorist hence our passifist protagonist.

yes that last statement is rediculous. the next logical train of thought is... and the sheep will be slaughtered.

At 14.7.05, Blogger Nicholas said...

ps kantian isn't the right word where its used... just in case anyone other than one of my best friends happens to stumble across this blog.... blah :(

At 15.7.05, Blogger Nicholas said...

wow beastility is legal in some states, that's fuct... i wonder if it does go to trial whether there will be beastiality rights lobby groups... i dare em hahahah

oh and the next thing you no they'll be telling the good people of seattle to duck and cover.

At 17.7.05, Blogger oblivionboy said...

at least your thinking. Which is more than most can say.

At 26.8.05, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's Your Beef

My beef you have heard before. Why the foul language? You start out sounding intelligent and then end up sounding ignorant because your use of some words in your text speaks of a lack of literacy. I know you are from the younger generation and perhaps this kind of language impresses them, but what is your priority? To impress your generation or everyone who reads your text or listens to you? If it is the latter you need to clean up your language!

I found it difficult to follow what you had typed, whether this was because the bad language caused your rant to be disjointed or it is just disjointed, I don't know. Your concern with the right for life is admirable, you seem to understand that one's right for life involves the responsibility towards others, locally and globally. You seem to understand that terrorists do not uphold or respect the premise of the right for life. You seem determined to not let them curtail your daily activities. This I understand, but it leaves me with a question. How do you think Canada should deal with National security? And how should they deal with an actual terrorist attack. I think going on with one's life as normally as possible is admirable, but my military background tells me that more needs to be done. Our Armed Forces, and police need to be able to have the means and know how to diffuse the threat or to react to an actual attack. It is not enough just to go on with one's life. It is an actual mandate of every government since they forming of our country in 1867, to protect it's people from external and internal threats. This is a requirement, not an option. What do you think they should do?

Love Mom


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