
This blog is meant to become a textual archive of my dynamic and often contradictory intellectual development over the past and coming years. I hope it will accomplish two functions, as a kind of cognitive genealogy, and as a textual extension of my thoughts exposing them to outside criticisms. Please keep in mind that some of these posts are only trains of thought and not necessarily my actual opinions. I am a thirdish year undergraduate student majoring in both philosophy and sociology.


Because We All Hate These Quizzes

I found this at The Weblog. Though I've never read this book, the bio seems to work. I especially like the last line.

You're The Sound and the Fury!

by William Faulkner

Strong-willed but deeply confused, you are trying to come to grips
with a major crisis in your life. You can see many different perspectives on the issue,
but you're mostly overwhelmed with despair at what you've lost. People often have a hard
time understanding you, but they have some vague sense that you must be brilliant
anyway. Ultimately, you signify nothing.

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.


At 28.7.05, Blogger Nicholas said...

the only thing that doesn't line seem to fit perfectly is that bit about me facing a major crisis in my life. In my case, the multiplicity of perspectives and subsequent confusion i feel have been so long running that, if they are symptomatic of a crisis, that crisis must be my life in general.


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