Yet another integer: reluctantly looking forward
So it’s another year today: 2007. For a long time there in the early 0’s I’d talk like it was 2000. You know round down and all. My age – roughly 15. Obviously this stopped working a couple of years ago, but nonetheless the habit persisted. Well I suppose we’ve definitely crossed the point of no return now – it’s nearly 2010 whether we like it or not; it’s time to round up. I reflect nostalgically on the days when the Second World War happened only 50-55 years earlier. Oh those days of yore – of innocence and discovery. Today, it happened 60-65 years ago. Happy new years. From this day forward I will reluctantly take my bearing off the end of the decade. The years they are a passing.
Two years on and I'm still taking my bearing off the beginning of the decade!
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