
This blog is meant to become a textual archive of my dynamic and often contradictory intellectual development over the past and coming years. I hope it will accomplish two functions, as a kind of cognitive genealogy, and as a textual extension of my thoughts exposing them to outside criticisms. Please keep in mind that some of these posts are only trains of thought and not necessarily my actual opinions. I am a thirdish year undergraduate student majoring in both philosophy and sociology.



I’m not generally the type to really bring these sorts of things up – but these two cases are just too much. First this humorous anecdote about a couple of students getting harassed for having sex in a profs office, and then crying sexual harassment! Second, this, from a link off the comments of that same post - Soci 69: Sociology of Sexuality!


At 4.12.05, Blogger Janssen said...

here's a course i took before. really interesting. the professor took the time to wear a skirt/make-up in class.

At 4.12.05, Blogger Nicholas said...

That actually sounds like a pretty awsome course - what university is that?

a fellow classmate of mine moonlights as a dragqueen. if there's one thing i can't understand about cross dressing (or dressing 'woman' in general) is the fact that people actually bother putting in all that work. you gotta respect that effort - it takes a very systematic and motivated person to keep-up 'pretty.' Heck, i have a hard enough time bothering to shave once a month.

At 6.12.05, Blogger Janssen said...

The course was titled as POS 250 (Politics 250), officially nominated as "Gender, Globalization and Development." My professor had a different idea... way different. He re-titled the course as Sexual Politics. The reason for this... well, the university isn't exactly secular... but it ain't your ultra-conservative catholic institution. (Ateneo de Manila University)

his name is bob, he's currently teaching critical security studies... educated in York U in Toronto.

At 6.12.05, Blogger Nicholas said...

wow that's fantastic, and a little suprising. i won't deny that i'm generally in the habit of painting all religious institutions with the same brush - is this symptomatic of a broader less conservative interpretation of catholicism in the philipines - or just a rogue university (or department)?

i have this prof, from Chzech Republic, who is always telling us about how they would use course titles as smoke screens in the 1960s, in order to teach 'subversive' material.

At 6.12.05, Blogger Janssen said...

Ateneo is a Jesuit-run institution... among the Catholic orders in the world, I suppose the Jesuits are the more progressive ones... they constantly clash with the ultra conservative group Opus Dei.
The department isn't exactly your rogue department... in the university, the 'bastion' of poststructuralist/postmodern thought would be the English and Filipino (Languages) departments. The clash usually with the Philosophy and Theology Departments who cant get enough of G. Marcel's phenomenology. Our department (Politics) has a very ecclectic mix... from those who do poststructural, postcolonial theory, to critical marxists, to old-school realists and liberals... i'm proud to say that we dont have neoliberals. haha.
On 'smoke screens': David Harvey did a course during the witch-hunt for communists in the US titled "Reading Capital." It took the university authorities years to figure out that they were reading Das Kapital. The politics of naming.

At 9.12.05, Blogger Nicholas said...

oh cool. i see. heheheheh: "i'm proud to say that we dont have neoliberals. haha." that's awsome.


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