
This blog is meant to become a textual archive of my dynamic and often contradictory intellectual development over the past and coming years. I hope it will accomplish two functions, as a kind of cognitive genealogy, and as a textual extension of my thoughts exposing them to outside criticisms. Please keep in mind that some of these posts are only trains of thought and not necessarily my actual opinions. I am a thirdish year undergraduate student majoring in both philosophy and sociology.


Post leaders debate commentary… cause I’m sure you care

Well the debate just ended and I watched most of it: about two thirds through, I realized the paint on the walls of my apartment wasn’t quite dry yet – they were only painted six months ago. Nonetheless here’s my opinion of the goings on.

Martin is Martin. He’s surprisingly mild and harmless, for someone with such a big money, big power pedigree. He’s proved himself to me last election, so not much was new from him. Although I did like it when he broke from his normal stutter-monkey self to declare his love for Canada and Quebec – good for him. Nonetheless, I’d never vote for him – he’s impotent.

Harper is as evil as ever, and it was nice to see the other parties point out his hypocrisy on the notwithstanding clause issue. He still lacks charisma, personality, emotion and a new hair cut. Essentially that party needs a new leader.

Jack was clear and concise, but he still sounds like a bad public service announcement. He needed to stop talking past the end of his allotted response time. I’ll probably vote for him anyways, but that's just cause I’m a bleeding heart socialist like him.

Finally, like last year, Duceppe took the cake for me. I think I’ve figured out why he’s so great, why his answers are so level headed, and why he always looks so casual. He’s not even running for prime minister! What the fuck is he even doing there! Well it’s not that he’s of no use, it was refreshing having an everyday Joe on the panel, even if his national vision sucks.

Where am I now? I’m calling for electoral reform! What a joke that I’m forced to vote for one of these schmucks. This is why kids don’t vote anymore, there’s nothing to vote for – don’t get me wrong, I’ll vote, but not because I want to. I’m also still having a hard time imagining any of these guys keeping this country together.(PS This is what seperatism looks like)


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