
This blog is meant to become a textual archive of my dynamic and often contradictory intellectual development over the past and coming years. I hope it will accomplish two functions, as a kind of cognitive genealogy, and as a textual extension of my thoughts exposing them to outside criticisms. Please keep in mind that some of these posts are only trains of thought and not necessarily my actual opinions. I am a thirdish year undergraduate student majoring in both philosophy and sociology.


Can't seem to get enough of Google

This laziest of all lazy posts is coppied verbatum from here. Boing Boing is truely a directory of wonderful things and i recomend it to everyone with a way too much time on their hands. Please don't judge it solely by the Suicide Girls plug in the right hand column; it has so much more uselessness to offer. What are suicide girls you ask? I don't really want to talk about it. [As angst swells in my belly and just how degenerative the world - and yes even the alt world - have become.] Thank heavens that I've still got this bowl of macaroni and cheese, and author Meghann Marco to cheer me up:

Writer begs publisher to give her book to Google Print

One of Kottke's readers is a writer named Meghann Marco whose publisher is joined to the suit against Google over the excellent, writer-friendly Google Print service. She has written an amazing open letter to her publisher:

I asked my publisher, Simon and Schuster, for my book to be included in Google Print. I was told they did not do that.

Lack of exposure is the primary reason that a book like mine would fail in the marketplace. I spend most of my day trying to get attention for my book. Not for the money, but because I believe that it is well written and funny. Very few authors will become rich writing books. We do it because we have something to say. If we wanted to be rich, we'd have invented a search engine!

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. After all, it's perfectly free to check out a book from the library. I have no problem with my book being indexed by your site. In fact, I wish it was!

Someone asked me recently, "Meghann, how can you say you don't mind people reading parts of your book for free? What if someone xeroxed your book and was handing it out for free on street corners?"

I replied, "Well, it seems to be working for Jesus."


(And back over to chuk.)P.S. Oh, and while we're still on the topic, on the news last night they mentioned that the verb 'Google' has in fact been added to the Webster's Dictionary. (And what the hell does 'P.S.' stand for anyway?)


At 24.10.05, Blogger Nicholas said...


At 26.10.05, Blogger Nicholas said...

oh i just got what the hell you were talking about. that makes sense i geuss. sigh, there just ain't much flair in that is there?


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