Ummmm.... just click on the links
Flipping channels this evening and I glanced something interesting on CNN. I seriously never watch this network, but I keep it on dial (I only have 16 channels on my dial) for those occasional moments when planes crash into towers, and hurricanes wipe out cities. It was ‘situation room,’ an ambiguous name, for an equally wanting regular segment. They had an old fuck (imagine Rex Murphy but American... *shiver*) reading viewer emails in response to some “discussion” that I imagine they had earlier the show. Presumably it had something to do with some recent films about brown people, because the topic read something like: “Should Hollywood be making films that are sympathetic to the terrorists?” I’m not even going to ask the question, “What the fuck is ‘the terrorists’ referring to?” In fact I’m not particularly disturbed by the question in general; I trust Hollywood about as much as the next guy – they have been sympathetic to many a terrorist, and yes it makes me uncomfortable. What got my beef was some of the responses. A couple were fine, sober reflections and all that jazz whether or not I agreed with them, but there were a couple others that sent chills down my spine. They were flat out denials of any need to tell any other side to what is going on in brownland. I sensed in them some serious denial on their part – like these terrorists aren’t human, and shouldn’t be treated as such. Sorry bloke, just because they had a shitty life, or simply disagree with you, doesn’t mean they aren’t human. This kind of mentality only contributes to more war – as long as we continue to de-humanize our adversaries we sure as hell won’t stop bombing the shit out of them – and it’s doubtful they’ll ever stop bombing the shit out of us. Even if a cease fire ever did come about, we still need to regard them as human – remember the Treaty of Versailles? Ironically, I don’t doubt that these terrorists have a similar mentality concerning us – I have a hard time conceiving of a 9/11 without al least one guy, and more likely a lot of guys, thinking like this. For my last point (was there a point?), I’m going to suggest a more global definition for 'the terrorists' – we need global definitions for global discussion (I’m so pomo I disregard my pomoness and blatantly universalize shit from time to time.) The terrorists are folks that dehumanize other folks in order to justify their bombing the shit out of our fellow man for their own gain, whether it is for oil or forty virgins in the clouds – or both. (I’m not sure that you can bomb the shit out of anyone without dehumanizing them – or yourself even [damn you Kant!].)
PS And for those nasty folk that sent in those nasty letters, because you are sooooo a cog in the system, you are sooooo a part of the act. (Whom am I kidding – I’m a soci major, I can’t expect anyone to be accountable for his or her own actions.)
Quote of the day: “Group sex has been legalized by the supreme court.” Wow, if you’re a swinger (sex maniac) in Canada, today is a good day for you.
PS And for those nasty folk that sent in those nasty letters, because you are sooooo a cog in the system, you are sooooo a part of the act. (Whom am I kidding – I’m a soci major, I can’t expect anyone to be accountable for his or her own actions.)
Quote of the day: “Group sex has been legalized by the supreme court.” Wow, if you’re a swinger (sex maniac) in Canada, today is a good day for you.
yep - and good for you ;)
wow i just read the last post and it fuking stinks.
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