
This blog is meant to become a textual archive of my dynamic and often contradictory intellectual development over the past and coming years. I hope it will accomplish two functions, as a kind of cognitive genealogy, and as a textual extension of my thoughts exposing them to outside criticisms. Please keep in mind that some of these posts are only trains of thought and not necessarily my actual opinions. I am a thirdish year undergraduate student majoring in both philosophy and sociology.


On dichotomy

I think philosophers can be a little too keen to dichotomize. I agree with Putnam in his essay, “Pagmatic Realism,” when I he calls for a review, and even a rejection of age-old dichotomies. I was particularly impressed by his criticism of the objective/subjective distinction. It seems to me these models are sometimes taken for granted. Often the concepts dichotomized tend to be better treated with regards to a gradient than classified as bipolar. On my walk home from class this morning I chuckled to myself as I played out in my head the dichotomy of black and white. I imagined some eager classic philosophers arguing over in which camp the shade of grey stands.


At 5.2.06, Anonymous Anonymous said...

chuk has a new favourite starts with "dic" and ends in "odomy"


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